Atlasta Home Sanctuary
If you've always wanted to have a potbellied pig or any other pet, but can't, then sponsoring is the way to go. We have a large number of permanent resident pigs and other animals that for various reasons (health, age, abuse victims, or personality problems) can't be adopted. We can use your help in supporting them to help live life to the fullest here at the sanctuary. You can pick our your special piggy or other animal from our newsletter. Then a contribution of $25 a month pays for all your animals expenses. Your sponsorship gives you all the background information available on your animal, including a certificate of sponsorship, photos, and periodic updates.
Please note: the feral pigs are only available for sponsorships. They cannot be adopted out to the public.
You can also pick a name for your sponsored pig. Everyone has a favorite.We have a number of pigs without names because they came as a large group or when we pick up abandoned ones with no name. It's sad not to have a name.
If you see an animal that you would like to sponsor, either here or on the PickaPal facebook page, please call or email us. We will then update the info to show you as the sponsor.
Sponsorship payments can be made through the Paypal link at the left or by check or money order. Please note the animals name that you wish to sponsor on your sponsorship.
Thank you for your support in helpings us care for these animals. We couldn't do it without you!
Please be a sponsor!